Dynamic Age Analysis


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Speed up your collection process and reduce bad debt with the Dynamic Age Analysis app.

Running out of cash due to lenghty collection cycles?

Running out of cash can be a particularly frustrating thing for a company, especially one that seems to have a steady client base and a regular stream of customers. But if those customers aren’t paying for the products or services they bought quickly, a business is apt to wind up in trouble. Knowing how to speed up the collection of accounts receivable is key to the continued success of your company.

This app will help you to keep a tight reign over your debtors book to keep the cash flowing,

Get your free 7-day trial now to start tracking down late-paying clients, speed up the collection process and improve cash flow in your business.

Features & Benefits

  1. Manage your overdue debtors and creditors with powerful, on-screen Age Analysis views
  2. Drill-down to source transactions to follow up on overdue invoices
  3. Create your own set of age analysis columns to manage outstanding accounts based on Payment Terms
  4. Document your collection effort using Notes and print these on your Age Analysis Report

Supported Editions

This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries

Algeria, Australia, Argentina, Canada, Egypt, Indonesia, Ireland, Kenya, Malaysia, Malta, Morocco, New Zealand, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States.

Supported Languages

This app is available in English (Australian), English (Canada), English (Ireland), English (New Zealand), English (Great Britain), English (South Africa) and English (United States).

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